Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Something isn't quite right. I'm having trouble finding peace. Balance is just out of reach. Maybe it's intuition, premonition, or my sixth sense, but it is disturbing me ever so slightly. It has been this way for a few weeks.
Mr. Haydock deserves a massive email. I am alive, Papillo!! And I miss you and the close friendship I have left abandoned. mmmm bad.
Also, I decided to separate myself from Mr. Dubya. The distance was already physical but upon my return from California (dreaming), I sat down one evening with a bottle of wine, Joaquín Sabina, Ramona Córdova (, and proceeded to make a firm decision regarding you. And it has been so ever since.
On another note, Ramona's voice is of a bird-like quality and this small yet beautiful man creates an endearing, haunting music. Three of my favorite songs by him: "In the gypsy bar", "Paper Airplanes", and, the best of all "Hot and Heavy Harmony." Please attend his concerts if he happens to be in your neighborhood; he needs all the support he can get.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Things I want but don’t need:
-Swiffer (Andi got one!)
-Face lotion (got monies. AND it as SPF 15.)
-Wine (hold a party, others will bring.)
-Vacuum cleaner
-Bedspread (make friends with french salesmen in local stores. Buy cotton one for $10.)
-Ink cartridges
-Hair dryer
-Basic building tools
-Cell phone battery (wait for 2 yr upgrade. Buy one with rebate. Hot)
-Apricots, in all of their variations, products, flavors, fresh and packaged, etc. (Except if they're sugar free.)
-Plane tickets.
-Concert tickets (Scratch insurance. Music is more important...)
-Jeans that fit, boots, shoes
-Table and chairs, couch (go to the local market. Hide ugly couch with couch cover!)

Things I need but don’t want:
-All the fruits and vegetables I’m supposed to have in a day.
-Dead, pointless job.
-Dentist and doctor appointments. (With no insurance... ummm)
-Driver’s license and motorized transportation? (That's what public transit is for.)
-Tax help (Visit the Wuncle. Use his turbo tax. Get beefy tax return.)
-Exercise and fitness (Ride bike with roommate.)

Things I want and need:
-Endless supply of quarters.
-Friends (Slowly but surely.)
-Monthly bus pass (Ticketbooks work just as well.)
-Internet (Hooray pirate-ing the business next door.)